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=Students who are received on exchange somewhere.We as AMSA Austria offer both unilateral and bilateral clinical exchanges with other medical schools that are participating in the Exchange Program of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA).
The aim of our exchanges is to offer medical students all over the world the opportunity of a four week internship in a department of their interest or the possibility of joining a research project over the course of 4 weeks.
Additionally to a full involvement in everyday clinical life during the clerkship and training of not only theoretical but practical skills, we are offering our newly implemented Educational Program with workshops to ensure the best Academic Quality outcome possible in our Exchange Program. Furthermore a Social Program is organized every month and includes at least a Welcome Dinner, the International Food and Drinks Party and a Farewell Dinner. To this, we like to add some visits in museums or touristy sightseeing paired with outdoor activities and great gatherings with us. In July and August we have a United Social Program prepared for you, where you get to meet all the other exchange students in Austria and enjoy an unforgettable Weekend!
Right now we have five medical faculties that are part of our Exchange Program, which you´ll find below.

“As soon as the exchange started, I knew I would have an amazing time here in Graz”Robert, Lebanon
“Austria for me was the “antidepressant” you cannot read about in pharmacology books.”Ardis, Latvia
The medical faculty is the youngest of 4 faculties at the Johannes Kepler University and was established in 2014. The Kepler University Hospital is the 2nd largest hospital in Austria. The Med Campus III (which holds most departments) and IV (Pediatrics, pediatric surgery, OB/GYN) are located right next to the Med Campus I where the lectures take place. The Neuromed-Campus is located at a different location.
The Karl Landsteiner University is Krems was founded in 2013. It is Austrias only medical university which offers lectures in English. Only 110 students get accepted each year. So the university is quite small - just like the pretty city itself. There are three main teaching hospitals, however you will be doing your exchange in Krems itself. The hospital has 12 clinical departments and is very important for the regional health care.
Social Program
Each City has their own Social Program. Normally we always have a Welcome Dinner and a National Food and Drinks Party for our Incoming students! During July, August and September we try to organise National Social Program as well!
Organisational Infos
Important Documents
You will find all the important documents for your exchange on the IFMSA database
for IncomingsGraz